18 Roses Delivery

Rather than the standard 12 rose arrangement, our selection of 18 rose bouquets will give your thoughtful gift a bit more impact for just a few dollars more. Sending 18 roses symbolizes sincerity. An 18 rose delivery means the recipient remains young and beautiful. Who wouldn’t love receiving roses with that sort of symbolism? If this is a spontaneous or last-minute gift, no worries - same day flower delivery is available here at Proflowers.

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18 Roses Delivery FAQs

What are 18 roses for?

When it comes to celebrating, the number 18, particularly when it comes to gifts of flowers, often plays an important part in gifting. In a "debut," a Philippine coming of age ceremony, 18 roses are given to signify the 18 most important people in your life. These can be family members, friends, teachers, or mentors. In the Jewish tradition, 18 is the Hebrew word for alive, or chai. This rough translation means the number 18 is often used in gift-giving as a way to celebrate life, making it ideal for Rosh Hashanah and Passover gifts. It is a number also associated with philanthropy and the welfare of humanity.

Great Occasions to Send 18 Roses

Send 18birthday roses to those reaching adulthood, or 18anniversary roses for couples reaching this milestone. In either case, pink roses are a good choice for a girl’s 18th birthday and a couple’s anniversary. If it’s your own 18th anniversary, sending red roses to your spouse is traditional. In numerology, the number 18, consisting of one and eight, means new beginnings, abundance, and success. The energy of 18 is very positive, and you can convey that positivity by sending 18 roses to friends and loved ones.

If you’re planning a wedding, choosing the 18th day of the month for the ceremony may increase your odds of marital harmony and success. You will want 18 roses in the bridal bouquet and in other floral arrangements! Whatever significance the number 18 may hold for you, roses or other flowers gifted in an 18 count are a great way to pass along sentiments of luck and prosperity.

Fast, Fresh 18 Roses Delivery

Proflowers offers a variety of gift options for celebrating these important personal and cultural traditions surrounding the number 18 rather than the traditional one dozen or two dozen roses. From18 long-stemmed roses to varieties of beautiful bouquets in a rainbow of colors, we can help you send a gift that will look amazing and keep these cherished traditions alive. Even when you can’t be there in person, you can still send a thoughtful gift that expresses your joy and excitement while maintaining these meaningful connections with family and friends near and far.

We choose only the freshest flowers for our selection of roses, mixed bouquets, and flowering plants. Shop all flowers and discover our incredible collection of roses, mixed bouquets, and fresh plants for all your special celebrations. Shop all roses to view our complete selection of roses in dozens of hues. Proflowers offers roses in many types of flower arrangements.