
Azalea Plant Delivery

Full and colorful, Azalea plants make great housewarming gifts, a warm addition to office décor, or just a great gift in general for someone who appreciates natural beauty.  Order one today at Proflowers the flower Pros.

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Sending Azalea Plants with Proflowers

Known today in many a gardening club (and in the majority of climates, too!) as the "Royalty of the Garden," the breath-taking Azalea has made its mark quite clear - it’s the eye-catching centerpiece or focal point of numerous gardens across the country, as well as a house favorite of countless florists (although you won’t hear them admit it out loud)! These delightful and easy-to-care-for flowering house plants are found country-wide in many outdoor and indoor garden designs.   Popular with outdoor gardeners and landscape architects alike, the "re-blooming trait" is being bred into other Azalea species more commonly in the 21st century, mostly for autumn blooming purposes in colder areas too! Blooms usually last for up to two weeks, and in warm climates like the Deep South, some potted Azaleas even will then bloom again later in the fall! This means, you can send a blooming Azalea plant to a loved one anywhere in the U.S. and rest assured your lovely gift will provide long-term love!   Many flower and plant lovers wonder if they can take a floral gift and use it in their personal garden. The answer is a resounding, "Yes!" If you receive, for example, an Azalea Bonsai, as a gift, you can definitely "strut its stuff" by featuring it in your home garden!