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Two & Three Dozen Roses

Roses traditionally represent love, beauty, and passion. Express these feelings to someone special in your life by sending them two or three dozen roses. Proflowers offers a wide selection of fresh roses to choose from, making it easy for you to find the perfect bouquet for your perfect person. Whether you're looking for a bouquet of yellow or red roses to express your deep love for someone, we have you covered!

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Two Dozen Roses FAQs

How much are two dozen roses?

The price depends on a few different factors, such as the type of rose you pick, the number of roses you want, any add-ons, and even the time of year. At Proflowers, we're proud to offer some of the most affordable prices when compared to other online flower delivery services. Our arrangements start as low as $60 depending on the season, so shop now.

How do you arrange 24 roses?

There are a few important steps when it comes to arranging any number of roses. The stems of the roses must be cut, and the flowers pruned. Then, the roses must be either wrapped up as a bouquet or placed in a vase with ample space for each individual rose. When you shop with Proflowers, we'll make sure your two dozen roses are professionally arranged. We work with trusted local florists in your community who will carefully prepare your order and arrange your two dozen roses by hand so that they look as crisp and beautiful as ever.

How to have two dozen roses delivered?

Whether ordering one dozen roses or two, we make scheduling a delivery easy. Simply pick out the roses you like; do you want pink roses, white roses or something else? Once you've decided on the roses you want, tell us where and when to deliver them, and we'll get started on your order! They will show up at your doorstep on the date you selected at checkout.

How long do two dozen rose bouquets last?

Long-stemmed roses generally last about a week. However, if you want to make them last longer, there are a few simple steps you can take:

  • Place your two dozen roses in an appropriately sized vase. Change out the water in the vase every few days.

  • Use a pair of floral shears to prune your roses as needed.

  • Before adding them to a vase, mix some flower food into the water. This can help fortify your flowers and provide them with necessary nutrients.

Does it matter what color roses I purchase?

The best part about roses is that there is a bouquet for every occasion. Each color comes with its own unique meaning. If you're unsure what color roses to send your loved one, you may try to match the occasion and feelings to the symbolic color. However, you don't have to choose roses based on this. Sometimes, you can just send the bouquet you know the recipient will love.

At Proflowers, we have a large variety of roses to choose from. From the classics—red, white, yellow, and pink—to beautiful mixed bouquets and even rainbow roses! With so many options to choose from, you're guaranteed to find a bouquet that feels like the right fit for your special someone. Shop all roses today to find your bouquet.